Wednesday, June 18, 2008

About Mummy..

Quite a few of my friends have commented that I do not look as cheerful as before.

I agree that I seldom smile now, I seldom laugh now, and worst of all, I seldom talk now. Think is quite a serious problem since I'm a talkative person in nature but suddenly, I do not know how to talk anymore. I used to talk anything under the sun and laugh at any tiny small thing but now I'm very "stingy" with my smiles and laughter.

Nowadays I put effort in work and I spend my awake time with Bryant. He really makes my day. :) No matter how tired or unhappy I am, when I look at him and he flashes his toothy smile at me, everything is forgotten. Audrey said my eyes lit up when I talk about Bryant. :)

I really treasure the time with him as I know when he grows up, he will not want to spend time with me anymore. Now, as a mother, I finally understand how my mummy feels when I reach teen years.

I also hope he will settle well with #2. Btw, Dr Goh said 80% is a girl but he will only confirm next month. I also hoping for a girl so I can buy dresses, leggings, hairbands, hairclips, etc! Gosh! Shopping Spreee!!!

Should also start to think of a name soon. Hmm.. I can't think of any nice names starting with "B", perhaps Belinda?
Belinda - Beautiful
Maybe I should call her Joy means Happiness. Hope she be happy throughout her life! :)

3rd Week of Suffering

Dr Heng called and said Bryant poo's test positive and needs to be on anti-biotics. She said the virus is called e-colite, I do not know the spelling. Poor little fellow! :(

He is having fever attacks now too, on and off, and also coughing. I can hear the phlegm but not that serious yet. So I quickly use the puff now.

Think I must bring him to temple to pray. How come his Jun is spent @ home, medicine and clinic.

This Friday got to go back for review, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, let his cough be better and no need be on neubiliser. Hope the virus is gone and no need to do blood tests.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm Starting to HATE June

This week is even horrible!!

Bryant has gastric flu from Monday till now. My poor boy :( He is so weak that he can't even walk properly and always fall down. He is also very grouchy as his tummy don't feel good and always wants me to carry him all the time. He disallows me to work and cries till fall asleep when I left for work.

He also can't sleep well at night as he kept having diarrhea in the middle of the night.

My heart aches.

Yesterday, Dr Heng decided to send his poo for lab test. She updated me today that Rotavirus is negative but still have 1 more result pending. Hope everything will be fine and is just those normal stomach flu.

I misses his bubbly self.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bad Luck

This week is not a good week for me. :(

On Monday night, I nearly fell down from my bed while trying to take the milk bottle from Bryant. Hurt my right arm and right tummy. Wanted to see gynae to ensure #2 is OK but the pain left on Tuesday afternoon so I just ignored it.

On Tuesday evening, Bryant was playing on our bed when he fell backwards and I tried to catch him. He knocked his back of head against my nose and I started to bleed non-stop. I had a shock! Quickly called Deli in to look after Bryant while I go and cleaned up. My tee and floor all have my blood stains. Finally stopped bleeding after 10-15mins and I started to have headache.

Went to see doctor on Wednesday afternoon. He said my nose bone is OK and the headache should be gone after 48hrs. Only slight concussion. My nose is still swollen now. The blue-black should surfaced soon.

Just now during lunchtime, I went to Kwan Yin temple to pray. Hope no more misfortunes on me and bb will be OK.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


This is my tea-break for today. So sinful!! Think I going to become FATTY-BOM-BOM soon... -_-"


Monday, June 2, 2008

Knocked Out!

Deli was mobilised on last Saturday night. We went to pick him up @ Maju Camp on Sunday early afternoon. Bryant was too tired to greet him. Hehe!

Poor little fellow! Always insufficient sleep during weekend.


Typical Weekend @ Wai Gong Wai Po House

Alot of my friends ask me how does Bryant spend his time @ my parent's place during weekend.

My dad will fetch Bryant over to their house in the morning while I stay at home to rest or do housework. Bryant will play and eat lunch at their place.


After his afternoon nap, usually my parents will bring him to Hougang NTUC to shop. By then, I would also have reached their place.


Then he will come back and play with his new toys and eat his dinner.


We usually go home around 9pm.